Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lamb to the Slaughter


This one is a little off my norm.  It's from Alfred Hitchcock Presents (his show from the 1960's).  It's a short story, but my favorite one of all that he did for the show.

I'll even re-cap it -- again, against my norm.  It begins with the main character, Barbara Bel Geddes, receiving news from her husband that he is leaving her and has fallen in love with another woman.  Barbara, is noticeably very pregnant, mind you.  She is in denial, of course, that such a thing is happening to her, so she decides to "make a nice home cooked meal" for her future ex.  She chooses a frozen leg of lamb from the freezer.  Without even a trace of a remorseful look, she bludgeons him over the head with the frozen lamb and kills him.

She puts the lamb in the oven to roast and starts cooking some vegetables.  The police arrive, and of course, can't find the murder weapon.   They search and search, but find nothing.  They are there for hours.  In fact, just long enough for the lamb to finish cooking.  I'll spoil the ending with just this photo...

Then, Hitchcock pans to this...

Cut to the credits!

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